We work with many different Individuals and Organizations, applying cutting-edge science, to create habitat for a variety of animals on our property. Some of the Organizations and Projects are outlined Below, click the pictures for more information. 

We have partnered with The Nature Conservancy to ensure there is adequate nesting and feeding space for migratory waterfowl and shorebirds. We flood our fields earlier and leave the water on longer to ensure the birds have habitat during their migra…

We have partnered with The Nature Conservancy to ensure there is adequate nesting and feeding space for migratory waterfowl and shorebirds. We flood our fields earlier and leave the water on longer to ensure the birds have habitat during their migration.

California Trout is at the forefront on research concerning the decline of California anadromous fish species and how they can potentially be saved. The Nigiri Project is a study of how these fish can benefit from food provided by flooded rice field…

California Trout is at the forefront on research concerning the decline of California anadromous fish species and how they can potentially be saved. The Nigiri Project is a study of how these fish can benefit from food provided by flooded rice fields. It's goal is to understand how rice farmers might help save California Salmon and Steelhead populations now and in the future.

The NRCS is the USDA's conservation arm, they help to direct funding for projects that preserve farmland, protect water, and conserve wildlife. We are proud of our long standing relationship with NRCS and applaud them in the services they provide to…

The NRCS is the USDA's conservation arm, they help to direct funding for projects that preserve farmland, protect water, and conserve wildlife. We are proud of our long standing relationship with NRCS and applaud them in the services they provide to the local and regional conservation effort.